Alicia Molik Cup 2019

BRTA Aims for a Three Peat in Alicia Molik Cup 2019

Tennis Victoria have confirmed a record 19 Association teams from every corner of the State to compete for the 2019 Alicia Molik Cup to be held at Kooyong Saturday 7th & Sunday 8th December.  BRTA won the prestigious event for 12 & Under Players in both 2018 and 2017.

As a result of trials held earlier in the year the following four players will be representing Bayside Regional Tennis Association:

Maksim Jezdic                   Parkdale Tennis Club

Mateo Munoz                   Dendy Park

Eirene Nimorakiotakis    Beaumaris Lawn Tennis Club

Savannah James               Hampton Tennis Club

The players trained hard with Patterson Lakes Tennis Club coach Grove Bennett who will also be supporting both the MDJTA and BRTA teams at the event.

We wish the team every success.

Here are some images from 2018:

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