Alicia Molik Cup 2021

BRTA&MDJTA juniors win the prestigious Alicia Molik Cup 2021

The Alicia Molik Cup was held over the Dec 4-5 weekend at the Kooyong Lawn Tennis Club. The BRTA & MDJTA joint team was represented by Lachlan King, Jensen Yokoto-Ho, Anhelina Cherkashyna and Pauline Ma, coached by Grove Bennett and supported by the team manager, Vince Yokoto Ho.

On Saturday, in round 2 the BRTA team had a solid win against Wimmera in Round 2 and North Eastern in Round 3 (36 games-11). Round 4 was a bye and on Sunday morning the team took on Barwon defeating them 30-13 games.

The Grand Final was against NSJTA.

Scores for the grand final:

In the doubles: Pauline/Jenson 2-6, Angie/Lachlan 6-2

In the singles: Lachlan won 6-2, Jenson lost 2-6, Pauline won 6-0 and Angie won 6-2

It was an amazing win for the team – they stayed close, supported each other and watched all matches.

A special mention for Lachlan King who dropped only 2 games in the entire tournament in singles.

Thank you to Vince and Grove for pulling together a great team and to make this possible and continuing to ensure that BRTA is well-positioned for future growth

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